Thursday, October 24, 2013

So Different but So Alike

By Michael Koumpenas ( participant from Greece )

     One week full of events and communication! We had three countries in one hotel. So, I believe that it would be a good idea to sum up writing down all the things we done, all the things we learned, all the things that we will always remember. It is for sure that these seven days offered us memories that will always follow us. So this is the one million dollar question; what did Russians, Greeks and Romanians learned, except from practicing their English language skills.
     First of all we have to admit, we are the same. All of us were looking forward to lunch. right? All of us needed some coffee in the morning(!).This is also true. Ok let's get serious! All of the participants admired the history and the civilization of the other two countries, since through the presentations and the seminars which were held, they discovered wonderful things for the origins of their new friends. The participants realized that Greeks are not only about Sirtaki, Romanians are not only about Dracula Russians are not only about Vodka!!! 
     On the other side we have to admit that we are different. Since each of us is unique! Our problems differ, the way we dance differs. But the extraordinary fact is that the solution to our problems and the feeling we have when we dance, are exactly the same.
     Which is the evidence for being unique, similar and different? The evidence is on the card we were given at the beginning of the whole event. On our card is written our name which indicates that we are unique. Also on our card is written the country which we originate from; this makes us different. But on our card is also written the role we have in this program. The word "participant" proves that we are similar. If we consider the whole program as a community, participants are "parts" of the whole program. So they are part of a community, which is also true.
     The conclusion is that we have similarities through our differences and this a strange thing. Trying to find similarities between us we understand that we are different. It is also true, that trying to find our differences we come up with the conclusion that we are the same.

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