Thursday, November 7, 2013

The role of museum in education and culture ( experiential seminar )

by Matina Georgovrettakou 
MSc in Education and Culture
Zoe Pelekanou 
Theatrical Education 
with a specialization in culture

The program MUSEUM: THE ACTINOGRAPHY OF EUROPEAN PEOPLE : YOUTH IN ACTION was a valuable experience for the young participants but also for us , the speakers. This Experiential seminar aimed at young people from 13-17 years, and was designed for interaction, acquaintance and cooperation of the participants.

While browsing in museums throughout the world, the concept of equality of cultures and the opportunity to develop creativity and imagination through such activities , were cultivated. Young people understood the role of the museum, grouped its categories, watched its evolution during the years, identified its differences with the school and saw the training methods it uses. 

At the end the participants were asked to create their own “strange museum” .

Their interest and their mood really surprised us- in a great way! So many and so strange new museums were created, such as the museum of chair, the museum of wigs, the playmobil museum, the museum of the Unknown God, the museum of Greek food, the museum of war and peace, the museum of phones, the money museum for children , the friendship museum of peoples, the museum of Roman life etc. For us, it was a surprisingly revealing experience we are looking forward to having again!

I create my own museum

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