1. Did “What is YOUTHPASS Certificate?” presentation make clear to you the terms “formal” and “non-formal” learning? And what exactly non-formal education is?
100%:Yes 0%:No 0%: I am not sure
2. Do you think that non-formal education can improve your professional career?
70%: Absolutely yes
15%: Only if is somehow certified
12%: Yes but formal education is much more important for my career
3%: Not at all, only formal education can contribute to my future career
3. Do you think that non-formal education can improve the quality of your life?
100%: Absolutely yes
0%: Yes but in a small level
0%: Not at all
4. Did you know what YOUTHPASS is before today?
7%: Yes, I’ve been informed about it before my request to participate
93%: Yes, I’ve been informed by my organization during/after my request to participate
0%: No, I learned what YOUTHPASS is during presentation.
5. How you intend to use your YOUTHPASS?
100%: I will include it in my CV for work purposes
47%: I will include it in my CV for educational purposes
0%: I will share it with my family and/or friends
0%: I do not intend to use it
6. In what way you are about to organize your learning during the period of mobility?
23%: I will keep a learning diary
100%: I will discuss my learning process with my fellows
65%: I will discuss my learning process with my leaders